Magician's Journey:

Chapter 26

Thomas took a deep breath, directing his thoughts toward the seeds he held in his hand. He briefly glanced at the street below him. If the seeds were to grow there, they would have to grow in an arch. Otherwise, people might cut the plant down for blocking their path. Furthermore, it should grow fruit, so as to encourage the people of the city to care for it. “Alright then little seeds, do you think you could grow into sturdy grapevines for me?” The seeds rustled slightly, bringing a warm smile out across Thomas’s face. “Thank you, little seeds.” Thomas took a deep breath, and filled his heart with a wish for the seeds to grow and prosper – for their own sake more than his. Then, with a flick of his wrist, Thomas threw the seeds out into the air.
The seeds hit the ground with a quiet “tac” sound, exploding outward into a web of vines. Each vine flew off in its own direction, guided by a strong sense of purpose as they weaved their way into a path. A path leading to the docks.
“Watch your step, Pallo.” Thomas began to lightly trot across one of the many bridges the vines had made in their quest for the docks. “If you aren’t careful you could hurt the poor thing.”
Pallo cautiously placed her paw onto the vine pathway, pulling it back with a start as soon as her weight began to bend the platform. She took several steps back before calming down, then crouched and leapt forward. A runic blue glow trailed behind Pallo, as she rocketed over Thomas, landing several buildings ahead of him.
Thomas wasn’t normally very competitive. He didn’t care about things like who won or who lost, and never understood why some people had to make a race out of everything. However, every now and again, he would take something as a challenge. An irrevocable challenge that he could not simply ignore or fail, a challenge that he had to meet and exceed. It was not an aggressive sort of challenge, of course. Thomas didn’t have a single aggressive bone in his body. It was simply that Thomas felt a need to prove himself, a need to prove that he was not to be outdone. A need to prove that whatever thing had been done, he could do better.
Pallo’s jump had been one of those things.


A note from the author ninja:

You’d be forgiven for thinking that Thomas is a calm and rational person. He certainly gives off the atmosphere of a scholar and a gentleman.

In reality though, no matter how composed Thomas appears, he’s still just an excitable and mildly hyperactive nerd at heart.

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