Author's Journal

A Quick Note About Comments

After a lot of hard work, and even more writing, my website is finally open to the public. However, there are two things that I feel very strongly about when it comes to my website. So I’d like to make this clear before anyone writes a comment. 1: I believe in the separation of an …[continue reading]

Author's Journal


What with the recent release of Fallout 4, I, as a writer, thought it the perfect time to discuss the various “punks.” You’ve probably heard of the most popular one: “Steampunk.” There are, however, various others. Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Atompunk… The list goes on and on. However, most people only tend to think of two: The …[continue reading]

Author's Journal

A Guide to the Multiverse: Introductions

Greetings and salutations residents of reality #55678912! My name is Schrodinger! Well, not really. Betweeners don’t have names. It is however, what I choose to call myself. Although you can call me Shore for short. (Ha! That’s always fun to say!) Back on topic; For reasons that are unimportant, I have access to various parallel …[continue reading]

Author's Journal

A Guide to the Multiverse: Phantoms

Ah! Welcome back mortals! You are here hoping for an explanation on the world I mentioned yesterday, no? Well, let it never be said that I don’t keep my word: It all began in London, assuming my memory hasn’t failed me. You see, in London there was a brilliant man called Sherlock Holmes, who’s ability …[continue reading]

Author's Journal

The Hiatus of Failure

Hey, it’s me. The ninja, the author, Shinobi, or whatever else you can think of calling me. I’m here to apologize, because due to a failure on my part, I have been painted into a corner on Homesick. Any attempts to continue the series with my current abilities would only lead to a painful slog …[continue reading]

Author's Journal

Bad News, Good News. Old News, New News.

Heh. New news. That’s fun to say… Sorry, what was I going to say? Oh yeah! I’m here to announce that Bouncing Sock is officially on hiatus for what shouldn’t be longer than two months. (At least, so I hope.) Starting tomorrow, I will also be posting answers to all your questions every Sunday. (Although …[continue reading]


Answers 1

So, I’m here, and I’m ready to answer all the questions you’ve asked me! (With the exception of a few questions about pronunciation I was asked a while back, as there were some unexpected roadblocks in that endeavor.) So not counting that, your questions total… none. Well, it’s to be expected. I’m an amateur writer, …[continue reading]


Answers 2

Welp. I’m back. And just like I said last week, I’m going to cover faeries, elves, angels, and the relationship between the different races. Also, although it has been implied to a certain degree, I don’t believe this fact has ever been explicitly stated: Gremlin kings cannot die unless they are directly killed by an …[continue reading]

Author's Journal

My Apologies

Bad news good news time again. Bad news? The third “Answers” post has been delayed by 2-3 days. Good news? The reason it’s delayed is because it was larger than I was expecting. Almost twice as large as the second Answers post. So, it’s gonna be a big one when it does arrive.